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December 15, 2020

Few thoughts on the last nine months of our lives .....

Just me thinking out loud....

I've never seen so much ignorance in my life until this virus hit us from China. It constantly amazes me how ignorant people really are in this country to believe everything MSM, the government and some health officials with an agenda tell them is true.  Not talking about stupidity I'm saying ignorance...


Yes this virus IS real and yes people have died.  We all are aware of this fact.  Hope you keep reading...


I have never once said this virus is not real. Viruses have been on our planet since the beginning of time.  The hoax many of us talk about however, is what has been done to exaggerate and over inflate the actual numbers and that includes deaths and all these 'cases' being hyped now since the deaths have dropped down.  Anyone can look all this up (including the skewed high case numbers from false testing.) It has already been proven that most of the test are false positives.  


Someday the truth will all come out. Will everyone believe it even then?  Who knows?  There are many people who may not be able to handle the truth even when it is right there staring them in the face.  Some people still believe JFK was killed by Oswald pulled off all by himself. Even though there is clear evidence to dispute this but that’s another topic of so called conspiracy theory isn’t it?


People die every day from all sorts of illnesses and other health issues including influenza which appear to be eradicated since the deadly kill all ‘C’ virus hit hasn't it? We are not hearing anything about the flu. Guess because the symptoms are the same with the exception of loss of taste or smell.   Yet every death is coded as one thing now. Everyone has covid pneumonia, covid this, covid that. You fill in the blanks.   Even hospitals and doctors are paid more to code every death as CV.  Anyone with an open mind can look all this up.


Why is it that we have never seen such hysteria over deaths in this country before?


I still remember when the H1N1 pandemic hit in 2009-10 and was overly concerned about my immune system because I was just starting to build it back up after many years of chronic illness due to my diet.  I still have an email written to my doctor about how to strengthen my immune system at that time.


Most people I speak with don’t even remember that pandemic because there was no media hype, no shut downs of small businesses, no lockdowns, no mass hysteria about mask and no ruining of the economy or people’s lives.


In fact, the only thing that administration did shut down was testing. Anyone who is curious can look that up too.  I’ve got the links for anyone interested in facts on the swine flu pandemic because I have been researching and studying the medical science for many months. I’ve sought out information from medical doctors and healthcare professionals for months and compiled it here on my blog for reference.  For those who are not interested in truth don’t bother trying to convince me otherwise because you’d be wasting your time.


Like many like-minded friends I prefer digging for TRUTH and looking at the science. REAL science not made-up science or what the powers to be want the masses to think and believe. It has nothing to do with politics or who someone voted for. Unfortunately, though this is what people will say because well maybe it just makes them feel better and safer from the big bad boogie monster, who knows.  


Those who are fearful can put on their safety mask and go hide under their bed. I prefer to live my life to the fullest while still here on this earth.  Sadly, it is becoming more and more difficult for us truth seekers to do that because of the lies which are creating more hatred and division among people who attack others like me and my friends for our beliefs and opinions.


To some the truth can really sting and so does death from heart disease, cancer, COPD and other illnesses which are staggering in this country. Not to mention deaths from GSW's, drug overdoses, abortion, suicide, car accidents, old age, which is really what some people die FROM but their loved ones are being told they died from Covid-19 to inflate the numbers.  Every death of a loved one is tragic for their family and friends.  Anyone can look up the average life expectancy in the USA.


The truth is people may die WITH CV but they are not dying FROM it. 99% of people recover and that's a fact that anyone who chooses can look up.


I agree with some of my friends and others I've met online in the groups I contribute to, that entire cities and states have been locked down unnecessarily which in turn have ruined not only our economy but thousands of people's lives causing even more unnecessary deaths due to suicide, etc. and the media has drilled it into people's minds that all this is being done to save the entire world from death? 


Really?   If that’s true why haven’t we been more concerned about helping to change people's habits to a healthier lifestyle, look at the diseases caused by the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet), focus more on preventing cancer, heart disease, and other chronic inflammatory diseases mostly caused by DIET. 


Why have people for the last NINE months been focused so much on a certain virus killing people, the numbers, and pointing fingers at who they think is responsible for all the deaths? Why not work harder to help people understand more about building up the immune system to help fight off these viruses before they can even turn deadly? 99% recover remember? 


Instead, we are seeing the viruses getting stronger and stronger due to bad diets, inflammatory diseases like heart disease, cancer, COPD, pneumonia, overuse of antibiotics and other drugs and yes mostly the elderly in nursing homes who are already most likely suffering from these inflammatory diseases and most are on several medications.  This is not being insensitive, it is just fact. 


Why not focus on something positive to really help change the world and eradicate these diseases that are the true killers of way more people every year?   Over and out…


FYI - this book I'm reading now is filled with medical science research links.  It's another good 'reference guide' to have on hand when people raise their hand with sincere questions about the facts.  ===>CLICK HERE 


Stay Healthy & Free!

Gluten Free Lady